Themen der aktuellen Ausgaben


The Calcium(nutrient)-Sensing Receptor (CaSR)

- from Basics to Clinics

About ten years ago we cloned a G-protein-coupled receptor (CaSR) from bovine parathyroid (Nature 366:575-580, 1993) and kidney (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 92:131-135, 1994) that is sensitive to extracellular divalent minerals (Ca and Mg), and nutrients such as amino acids and polyamines (Recent Prog Horm Res 53:257-280, 1998). Since that time many studies in laboratories throughout the world have shown that the CaSR mediates many of the known effects of extracellular Ca on organ and tissue function (Recent Prog Horm Res 53:257-280, 1998; Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 12:349-355, 2003). Genetic studies have shown that the CaSR sets the extracellular Ca-concentration by regulating PTH-secretion from parathyroid chief cells, calcitonin secretion from thyroidal C-cells, and renal Ca-excretion. New evidence has emerged that divalent mineral and nutrient sensing by the CaSR plays important roles in regulating gastric, intestinal fluid transport and cell proliferation/differentiation, pancreatic and liver function (Cell Calcium, in press).

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