The clinical spectrum of severe imported falciparum malaria in the intensive care unit: report of 188 cases in adults.
Bruneel F, Hocqueloux L, Alberti C, et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003; 167:684-9
de Reanimation des Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales, Hopital
Bichat-Claude Bernard, Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de Paris, Paris,
Little is known about severe imported malaria in
nonendemic industrialized countries. The purpose of this retrospective
study was to describe the clinical spectrum of severe imported malaria
in adults and to determine factors that were present at admission and
were associated with in-intensive care unit mortality. This
retrospective study evaluated the 188 patients who were admitted to our
intensive care unit in 1988-1999 with severe and/or complicated imported
malaria. Among them, 93 had strictly defined severe malaria, and 95 had
less severe malaria. The mean age was 38 years, 51% of patients were
nonimmune whites, 94% acquired Plasmodium falciparum in sub-Saharan
Africa, and 96% had taken inadequate antimalarial chemoprophylaxis.
Mortality was 11% (10 patients) in the severe malaria group, whereas no
patients died in the less severe malaria group (p=0.002). In the
bivariable analysis, the main factors associated with death in the
severe malaria group were the Simplified Acute Physiology Score, shock,
acidosis, coma, pulmonary edema (p < 0.001 for each), and coagulation
disorders (p=0.002).
Bacterial coinfection is not infrequent and may
contribute to death. Severe imported malaria remains a major threat to
travelers. In our population, the most relevant World Health
Organization major defining criteria were coma, shock, pulmonary edema,
and acidosis.
Der durch Plasmodium falciparum verursachten Infektion, Malaria tropica, fallen jährlich schätzungsweise bis zu 3 Millionen Menschen, vor allem Kinder, zum Opfer. Darüber hinaus zählt Malaria zu den am häufigsten importierten Tropenkrankheiten, wobei man von einer jährlichen Inzidenz in Europa von bis zu 16.000 Fällen ausgeht, die meisten dieser Infektionen werden im tropischen Afrika erworben und der Großteil der Patienten (> 95%) hat keine adäquate medikamentöse Prophylaxe vorgenommen.
Während bei den anderen drei Malariaformen, Malaria tertiana durch Pl. vivax oder Pl. ovale sowie Malaria quartana durch Pl. malariae, der Verlauf meist nicht so schwer ist und Todesfälle eine Rarität darstellen, spielt bei der Malaria tropica die rasche Diagnose und unverzügliche Therapie die entscheidende Rolle für das Überleben von Patienten.
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