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Glutamin beim Intensivpatienten

Vermindert nicht nur Infektionen, sondern verbessert auch den Glukosestoffwechsel

L-alanyl-L-glutamine dipeptide-supplemented total parenteral nutrition reduces infectious complications and glucose intolerance in critically ill patients: the French controlled, randomized, double-blind, multicenter study.

Dechelotte P, Hasselmann M, Cynober L, et al.                                                                                                       Crit Care Med 2006; 34:893-4

Nutrition Unit, Rouen University Hospital (PD), Rouen, France.

OBJECTIVE: Glutamine (Gln)-supplemented total parenteral nutrition (TPN) improves clinical outcome after planned surgery, but the benefits of Gln-TPN for critically ill (intensive care unit; ICU) patients are still debated.
DESIGN: Prospective, double-blind, controlled, randomized trial.
SETTING: ICUs in 16 hospitals in France.
PATIENTS: One-hundred fourteen ICU patients admitted for multiple trauma (38), complicated surgery (65), or pancreatitis (11).
INTERVENTIONS: Patients were randomized to receive isocaloric isonitrogenous TPN via a central venous catheter providing 37.5 kcal and 1.5 g amino supplemented with either L-alanyl-L-glutamine dipeptide (0.5; Ala-Gln group, n=58) or L-alanine+L-proline (control group, n=56) over at least 5 days.
MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Complicated clinical outcome was defined a priori by the occurrence of infectious complications (according to the criteria of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), wound complication or death. The two groups were compared by chi-square test on an intention-to-treat basis. The two groups did not differ at inclusion for type and severity of injury (mean simplified acute physiology score II, 30 vs. 30.5; mean injury severity score, 44.9 vs. 42.3). Similar volumes of TPN were administered in both groups. Ala-Gln-supplemented TPN was associated with a lower incidence of complicated out-come (41% vs. 61%; p<.05), which was mainly due to a reduced infection rate per patient (mean, 0.45 vs. 0.71; p<.05) and incidence of pneumonia (10 vs. 19; p<.05). Early death rate during treatment and 6-month survival were not different. Hyperglycemia was less frequent (20 vs. 30 patients; p<.05) and there were fewer insulin-requiring patients (14 vs. 22; p<.05) in the Ala-Gln group.
CONCLUSIONS: TPN supplemented with Ala-Gln dipeptide in ICU patients is associated with a reduced rate of infectious complications and better metabolic tolerance.

Diese französische Multicenter-Studie belegt neuerlich, dass eine Supplementierung der Nährlösung mit Glutamin bei kritisch Kranken, die einer parenteralen Ernährung bedürfen, einen günstigen Effekt auf den Krankheitsverlauf ausübt, die Rate an Pneumonien und anderen infektiösen Komplikationen verhindern hilft. Allerdings hatte Glutamin im Gegensatz zu einigen früheren Untersuchungen keinen Einfluß auf die Krankenhausaufenthaltsdauer oder die Überlebensrate (bei allerdings sehr niedriger Mortalität von < 5%).

Inzwischen sind mehrere Studien erschienen, die ähnliche Ergebnisse gezeitigt haben. In zwei Untersuchungen war auch das Langzeitüberleben der Intensivpatienten signifikant erhöht (Griffith RD, Nutrition 1997; 13:295 bzw. Goeters C, Crit Care Med 2002; 30:2032). Auch eine Metaanalyse stützt den insgesamt positiven Effekt einer Glutamin-Supplementierung, so dass sich nach EBM-Kriterien ein recht klares Indikationsspektrum mit dem Evidenzgrad A für die Gabe von Glutamin herausgebildet hat (siehe auch Metaanalyse Novak A, Crit Care Med 2002; 30:2022).

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Tags: intensiv-news diabetologie infektiologie glucose blutzucker 

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