Surgery and intensive care procedures affect the target site distribution of piperacillin
Brunner M, Pernersdorfer T, Mayer BX, et al. Crit Care Med 2000; 28:1754-9
Department of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Vienna Medical School, Austria.
Therapeutic failure of antibiotic therapy has been ascribed to
pharmacokinetic alterations in compromised patient populations. The
present study, therefore, aimed at examining the influences of cardiac
surgery and intensive care procedures on the postoperative target site
distribution of piperacillin. For this purpose, the penetration of
piperacillin to the interstitial space fluid, the relevant target site
for most bacterial infections, was compared between patients after
aortic valve replacement and healthy volunteers.
DESIGN: Comparative study in two study populations.
SETTING: The intensive care unit and research ward of a university hospital.
The study population included six otherwise healthy patients scheduled
to undergo aortic valve replacement and a control group of six healthy
male volunteers.
INTERVENTIONS: After the administration of a single
i.v. infusion of 4.0 g piperacillin, free piperacillin concentrations
were measured in the interstitium of skeletal muscle and subcutaneous
tissue by in vivo microdialysis and in venous serum. Piperacillin
concentrations were assayed with reversed phase high-performance liquid
piperacillin concentrations in muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue
were significantly lower in patients compared with volunteers with the
area under the curve for the interstitium/area under the curve for serum
concentration ratios ranging from 0.25 to 0.27 and from 0.43 to 1.22 in
patients and volunteers, respectively (p < .05 between groups). The
terminal elimination half-life was markedly prolonged in patients,
leading to a concomitant increase in t > minimal inhibitory
concentration (MIC) values, the relevant surrogate for therapeutic
success of therapy with beta-lactam antibiotics, for strains with MIC50
<4 microg/mL. For strains with MIC50 > 20 microl/mL, however,
inadequate target site concentrations were attained in the patient
CONCLUSIONS: During the postoperative and intensive care
periods, target site concentrations of piperacillin are markedly altered
and decreased. This may also be true for other antibiotic agents and
may have clinical implications in that current dosing guidelines may
result in inadequate target site concentrations for high-MIC strains.
Conceivably, this could lead to therapeutic failure in some patients.
Ziel dieser Studie ist es, interstitielle Konzentrationen von Piperacillin, einem auf Intensivstationen häufig verabreichten b-lactam Antibiotikum, im Weichteilgewebe bei Patienten nach Aortenklappenersatz zu bestimmen und mit einer gesunden Kontrollgruppe zu vergleichen. Diese Fragestellung ist aus folgenden Gründen klinisch und wissenschaftlich von großem Interesse, da
1) eine effiziente antibiotische Therapie bei Intensivpatienten von besonderer Bedeutung ist.
2) derzeit gültige Dosierungsrichtlinien von Antibiotika in der Regel auf Plasmakonzentrationen beruhen, obwohl die meisten bakteriellen Infekte im Interstitium des Weichteilgewebes lokalisiert sind.
3) Eine Messung der Antibiotikakonzentrationen im Interstitium bisher nicht zugänglich war.
4) Mikrodialyse, eine neue, minimal invasive Methode zur Messung interstitieller Konzentrationen angewandt wird.
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Tags: intensiv-news kardiologie aortenklappenersatz infektiologie antiinfektiva ß-lactam
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