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Fraktionelle Harnstoff-Clearance in der Differenzialdiagnose des akuten Nierenversagens?

Significance of the fractional excretion of urea in the differential diagnosis of acute renal failure.

Carvounis CP, Nisar S, Guro-Razuman S.                                                                                                                     Kidney Int 2002; 62:2223-29

Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Nassau University Medical Center and State University of New York at Stony Brook, East Meadow, New York, USA.

BACKGROUND: Fractional excretion of sodium (FENa) has been used in the diagnosis of acute renal failure (ARF) to distinguish between the two main causes of ARF, prerenal state and acute tubular necrosis (ATN). However, many patients with prerenal disorders receive diuretics, which decrease sodium reabsorption and thus increase FENa. In contrast, the fractional excretion of urea nitrogen (FEUN) is primarily dependent on passive forces and is therefore less influenced by diuretic therapy.
METHODS: To test the hypothesis that FEUN might be more useful in evaluating ARF, we prospectively compared FEUN with FENa during 102 episodes of ARF due to either prerenal azotemia or ATN.
RESULTS: Patients were divided into three groups: those with prerenal azotemia (N = 50), those with prerenal azotemia treated with diuretics (N = 27), and those with ATN (N = 25). FENa was low only in the patients with untreated plain prerenal azotemia while it was high in both the prerenal with diuretics and the ATN groups. FEUN was essentially identical in the two pre-renal groups (27.9 +/- 2.4% vs. 24.5 +/- 2.3%), and very different from the FEUN found in ATN (58.6 +/- 3.6%, P < 0.0001). While 92% of the patients with prerenal azotemia had a FENa < 1%, only 48% of those patients with prerenal and diuretic therapy had such a low FENa. By contrast 89% of this latter group had a FEUN < 35%.

Zur diagnostisch wichtigen Differenzierung zwischen einer prärenalen Störung und eines "renalen" akuten Nierenversagens (ANV) werden verschiedene Harnindizes bzw. davon abgeleitete Größen eingesetzt. Harn-Natrium, Harn-Osmolalität, der Quotient Plasma-/Harn-Kreatinin, der Quotient Harn-Natrium/-Kalium wurden dazu verwendet. Am häufigsten empfohlen wird sicherlich die fraktionelle Natriumelimination (FENa), also jener Anteil (in %) des glomerulär filtrierten Natriums, der im Endharn ausgeschieden wird. Dies erfordert lediglich die Bestimmung des Natriums und Kreatinins in Serum und Harn. Wenn die FENa vermindert ist, bedeutet dies, dass der Tubulus intakt, ja hyperaktiv durch Aktivierung des Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosteron-Systems ist. Dies kann Folge einer Hypovolämie, einer tatsächlichen bzw. einer "relativen" Verminderung des effektiven Blutvolumens, wie etwa bei hepatorenalem Syndrom sein.

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Tags: intensiv-news nephrologie nierenversagen harnstoff 

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