Guidelines for managing acute bacterial meningitis: speed in diagnosis and treatment is essential (Editorial)
K, Skinhoj
P BMJ 2000; 320:1290-1293
Department of Infectious Diseases, University Hospital Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark.
one in four adults with acute bacterial meningitis will die, and many
survivors sustain neurological deficits. The outcome has not changed
since the early 1960s despite the introduction of potent antibiotics and
specialised intensive care units.
The prognosis is worse with a
delay in management. Consequently, the outcome depends on whether the
attending physician suspects acute bacterial meningitis, and whether the
healthcare system is set up to make a rapid, accurate diagnosis and
initiate fast and effective treatment. In this respect, standardised
guidelines such as those recently issued by the working party under the
British Infection Society are invaluable. These guidelines make
recommendations for the management of adults with suspected or diagnosed
acute bacterial meningitis or meningococcal disease and for the
prevention of secondary cases by vaccination and prophylactic antibiotic
treatment. The guidelines may provide a template for treating acute
bacterial meningitis for doctors in most countries. However countries
that now vaccinate against Haemophilus influenzae type B or meningococci
serogroup C may see a change in the epidemiology of meningococcal
There is little evidence on the best way to manage patients
as soon as they present with acute bacterial meningitis. The new report
advises family doctors to give benzylpenicillin to anyone they suspect
has acute bacterial meningitis before he or she is admitted to hospital.
With elderly patients, however, more caution may be needed. Firstly,
the outcome from acute bacterial meningitis has not been shown to be
improved by preadmission antibiotics; the crucial factor is probably
whether the attending doctor suspects acute bacterial meningitis at all
and therefore arranges immediate admission to hospital. Secondly,
preadmission antibiotics may make it harder to get a microbial
For a young patient with suspected meningococcal disease,
the immediate use of antibiotics followed by rapid admission to hospital
may be the best course of action. In the case of suspected bacterial
meningitis of other causes it may be more reasonable to arrange rapid
transfer to hospital followed by speedy microbiological tests and
antibiotic treatment. After admission to hospital, the widely accepted
empirical treatment is a third generation cephalosporine, such as
cefotaxim or ceftriaxone, with ampicillin if listerial meningitis cannot
be ruled out. In patients with obvious meningococcal disease,
penicillin is the drug of choice.
The reduced susceptibility of
pneumococci to penicillin is an increasing problem in large parts of the
world; this may often be overcome by increasing the amount and
frequency of doses, but rifampicin may be useful for pneumococci that
are truly penicillin resistant. Selecting the appropriate treatment for
patients with acute bacterial meningitis who are hypersensitive to
lactams is difficult. Chloramphenicol is not ideal because of its low
clinical efficacy and potential side effects; meropenem or broad
spectrum quinolones may be considered, although there is little evidence
they work.
Supportive treatment has been hotly debated.
Corticosteroids reduce neurological deficits in children with
Haemophilus influenzae meningitis, whereas their beneficial effect in
adults remains to be proved. Hopefully, the results of the multicentre
European trial on dexamethasone in acute bacterial meningitis, scheduled
to end within a year, will provide conclusive evidence. Glycerol or
mannitol may reduce intracranial pressure when there is intracranial
hypertension. The need for full fluid replacement and maintenance is
rightfully emphasised in the guidelines. Fluid restriction does not
improve either brain oedema or outcome in patients with acute bacterial
meningitis. Furthermore, cerebral perfusion depends on mean arterial
blood pressure in these patients and is adversely affected by
hypovolaemia. Also these patients are at risk of sepsis with
hypotension. In general, many patients with acute bacterial meningitis
need intensive care to monitor and treat both cerebral and extracerebral complications.
guidelines should be disseminated to all physicians. An increased
awareness of acute bacterial meningitis with emphasis on speedy
diagnosis and treatment will serve patients well.
Die Langzeitprognose eines erwachsenen Patienten mit bakterieller
Meningitis hat sich in den letzten 40 Jahren nur unwesentlich
verbessert, obwohl neue, bessere, rascher wirksame, die Bluthirnschranke
besser penetrierende Antibiotika auf den Markt kamen. Bis zu einem
Viertel der Patienten mit einer bakteriellen Meningitis sterben und
viele Überlebende zeigen neurologische Langzeitschäden. Sogar die
Einführung von spezialisierten Intensiveinheiten, neurologischen
Intensivstationen etc. hat nur unwesentlich zur Reduktion der Mortalität
und Langzeitmorbidität beigetragen.
Die Guidelines der British
Infectious Disease Society (Begg N et al.; J Infect 1999; 39:1-15.
Consensus statement on diagnosis, investigation, treatment and
prevention of acute bacterial meningitis in immunocompetent adults)
erscheinen uns vor allem deswegen so wichtig, da sie klare Empfehlungen
zum Management von erwachsenen immunkompetenten Meningitispatienten
machen. Vor allem erscheint uns die Tatsache von besonderer Bedeutung,
dass die Publikation solcher Guidelines tatsächlich die "Awareness" von
vielen Ärzten in der Praxis bzw. in Notaufnahmen von
Bezirkskrankenhäusern etc. erhöht und damit den absolut wesentlichsten
Aspekt des Akut- bzw. Notfallsmanagement eines Patienten mit
bakterieller Meningitis besonders akzentuiert, nämlich, dass die
Diagnose so schnell wie möglich gestellt werden muss, um die appropriate
Therapie ebenfalls so schnell wie möglich beginnen zu können.
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Tags: intensiv-news neurologie bakterielle meningitis guidelines
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