Themen der aktuellen Ausgaben


The Programs of the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and its Commission for the Global Advancement of Nephrology


ISN COMGAN was established in 1994 with the objective of developing an international outreach program in nephrology education and training in developing and emerging nations.

Dr. Barry Brenner and Dr. John Dirks were appointed Co-Chairs until 1999 and Dr. Dirks has continued as Chair. The highlight of COMGAN’s activities have been up-to-date nephrology education beginning in June 1995 with a sequence of meetings in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Tartu.

COMGAN was organized into regional committees involving Latin America, Africa, Eastern and Central Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States and the various regions of Asia, Middle East, South Asia, SE Asia, E Asia and the Pacific Islands. Educational programs have grown so that since 2001 some 11,000 have participated in COMGAN partnered courses annually. In 2002, nephrology education took place in over 45 countries and 60 cities. Normally courses are held in conjunction with regional and national meetings. The content of courses can be general nephro- logy or specific topics relating to basic science, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, transplantation, pathology, tropical disease and more recently a major emphasis has been placed on the knowledge and practice of prevention of chronic diseases with the aim of decreasing the number of patients requiring renal replacement treatment.

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