Themen der aktuellen Ausgaben


The World Congress of Nephrology 2003

- a challenge and a great chance

For the first time six different scientific associations have joined to held an international nephrological congress. The World Congress of Nephrology 2003 is coorganised by the "International Society of Nephrology” and the "European Renal Association" in cooperation with the "European Society for Paediatric Nephrology", the "European Kidney Research Association", the "Gesellschaft für Nephrologie" and the "Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Klinische Nephrologie".

Despite their common interest in the role of the kidney in health and disease, all these associations have a different focus and particular interest in different aspects of renal function and disease. As a consequence, the scope of the WCN 2003 will be broader and more comprehensive than that of any other nephrology congress in the past and the near future. The spectrum extends e.g. from paediatric to adult nephrology, from basic science to continuing nephrological education, from clinical nephrology to all aspects of renal replacement therapy, from immunology to electrophysiology, as well as from consequences of western life style, such as diabetic nephropathy, to nephrological problems and care in the Emerging world, to name only some of the various dimensions.

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