Themen der aktuellen Ausgaben


STOP disease-related malnutrition and diseases due to malnutrition!

11-12 June 2009, Aquapalace Hotel, Prague - Čestlice

Representatives of health ministries from the EU’s Member States, the Czech Presidency of the EU, medical experts, health care officials, representatives of health insurance groups, ESPEN (the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism) and ENHA (the Euro­pean Nutrition for Health Alliance) reached the unanimous conclusion that malnu­trition, including disease-related malnutrition, is an urgent public health and health care problem in Europe. Appropriate actions need to be taken to prevent malnutrition from continuing to com­promise the quality of life of patients, to cause unnecessary morbidity and mortality and to undermine the effectiveness of our health care systems across Europe.

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