Members of the Task Force:
J.L. Vicent (Belgium), chairman; A.
Artigas (Spain); D. Bihari (UK), R.B. Carrington da Costa (Portugal); D.
Edwards (UK); P. Ferdinande (Belgium); G. Iapicino (Italy); M. Larny
(Belgium); P. Loirat (France); D. Miranda (The Netherlands); M.
Munoz-Sanchez (Spain); J. Papadatos (Greece); K. Reinhart (Germany); P.
Suter (Switzerland); J. Takala (Finland); L.G. Thijs (The Netherlands);
S. Vesconi (Italy); S. Willatts (UK)
The intesive care unit
An Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a geographically defined area in the
hospital providing care for critically ill patients with specialized
personnel and complex equipment.
Whilst an ICU may exist as part
of another department, ideally there should be an autonomous department
of intensive care, treating all acutely ill patients of the hospital. An
ICU provides extensive evaluation and monitoring, and access to
sophisticated and comprehensive treatment. The ICU should have easy
access to the emergency room, the operating rooms, laboratory and
imaging facilities. An ICU groups:
Wir wollen Fachärzte und Pfleger topaktuell und wissenschaftlich fundiert über Studien, fachspezifische Entwicklungen und deren praktische Umsetzung informieren, um sie in ihrer Arbeit und Fortbildung zu unterstützen.
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